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Glitter Bottles and Snails

Hi there turkeys!

What a lovely week it’s been! On Monday, we had a first-grade get-together at my co-worker’s house. Everyone brought something delicious and we sat around chatting and eating yummy snacks. On Tuesday, we made glitter bottles –we’re currently teaching the kids about mindfulness. Everybody brought in an empty water bottle that we filled with water, and then poured glitter into. The idea is that the kids shake the bottle and then watch the glitter twirl around and fall in effort to calm down and relax. It’s now Sunday and I’m still finding glitter in strange places. As a famous comedian once said, "the thing about glitter is, if you get it on you, be prepared to have it on you forever 'cause glitter is the herpes of craft supplies".

We also took the kids to the “Imagine Lab” a special room in the school filled with random things like egg cartons, boxes, pipe cleaners, plastic bottles etc where the kids are free to be as creative as they want. The kids each created their own 3D character from the movie Inside Out. It was my first time in the imagine lab and it was certainly a hot mess. I had 1 student knock over a jar of white paint. We’re talking all over the table, dripping down the chairs and onto the floor. Shortly after, a red jar fell over. By the time it was time to leave I had white paint on my pants, shoes and in my hair. We are not using paint next time!!

I also taught the kids how to make cootie-catchers this week. They are all obsessed with them! I remember making cootie catchers when I was younger so I’m happy to pass on the tradition to another generation. Except the kids think they're called "Cutie Catchers"

^^The first graders playing with the seniors. It was so precious to watch!

This weekend I had some much needed downtime. I’m still exhausted from my busy weekend in Valparaíso. On Sunday I went exploring for a long time around the neighborhood. Sometimes Sundays can be boring because everything is closed, but the weather was perfect! My mom is arriving this Tuesday and I couldn’t be more excited. I took some time off this week to get in some overdue "mom –time”. We plan to have our own Chilean Thanksgiving this Thursday!

Laughable Moments:

  • I’ve noticed that everyone refers to popsicles as ice cream. Not the same thing people!!

  • On Monday, the man sitting next to me on the bus cracked open a beer. Mondays man…

  • Meanwhile on Thursday, the man sitting next to me was casually SCREAMING so loud into his phone, I cannot even explain it. Everyone on the bus was looking back at him and I could hear him with my ipod all the way turned up.

  • I can hear people getting tattoos during Spanish class. The office across the hall is a tattoo parlor.

  • I asked the class how someone expresses being silly, one of my students said “Make a chiste (joke)”. But I thought he said “make a cheesesteak”.

  • We had a flea market at school and the kids bought all sorts of random toys. One girl bought a dog that can walk on its own. I asked one of the other girls why she was all upset and she said “Miss, I’ve never had a dog that walks”

  • I went to dump out the gigantic plastic bin filled with water which we used for the kids to fill up their glitter bottles. I lost my balance and dumped the water ALL OVER the classroom. On the rug, the books, the desks….

  • Theres a dog who runs the block outside my metro stop for work. He barks and chases anyone who has a hood on or is riding a bike. It's my morning entertainment.

^^ I almost missed my carpool to work one morning because I was petting this friend hanging out in a bush. I think he is my favorite stray so far. He just wanted some belly rubs!!

^^ Someone has really been in need of polar bears....

^^What my entire class did all recess. "No we cannot keep them as class pets ..."

^^ I told him he could wear his scarf all day because it was a Barcelona scarf ;)

^^We clarified that he was drinking non-alcohoic mojitos. Phewf!

^^Things that make you happy. Gotta love that food ball...

^^This is the most terrifying Christmas display. And they move!!

^^When you're on recess duty and you notice a kid wearing two different shoes.

^^Glitter everywhere.

^^ Apparently I hurt my ankle worse than I thought in Valparaíso.

^^ The Christmas displays here just feel wrong. Where are the mittens, the hats, the scarves?!

I hope everyone a happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for everyone's love and support!! Gobble gobble!

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