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August be Gentle

Hi all!

It’s been a while… I’ve been a bit busy to put it mildly!

These past few weeks have been very intense. The first week back from vacation was like going from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds. We’ve officially entered into that period in time where every blog post I say that we’re preparing for Open House and I’m super stressed out and blah blah blah. As if that isn’t enough, they decided to move Student-led Conferences to this month as well. I also have to give a big presentation for all of the first and second grades on my India trip. If I survive this month, I will walk away from it like a badass like they do in the movies when the car blows up behind them and they just keeping walking away in slow motion.

A few weeks ago I had the chance to observe another Chilean school. I had asked my boss if I could see some other schools in Chile because I wanted to see how the Chilean education system functions in another school. I don’t know what is specific to Santiago College and what is specific to Chile. I was lucky enough to observe Redland school.

It was exactly what I had asked for because Redland is drastically different from Santiago College. It’s a super traditional and old school, like they still have somebody physically ring the bell after each period. There were only 2 classes per grade level. At Santiago College, we are starting to integrate 6 classes per grade level, so you can imagine my shock at how small the school was.

I observed some kinder, first and second grade classes. I was surprised to find out that they only have 11 hours of English each week. I was surprised because I was very impressed with the level of English they were speaking in second grade. And also, my friends who went to this school have very good English. Overall, I saw great things from this school and I was so lucky to have been invited. I really enjoy observing other schools to see how they function and find new strategies I can apply to my teaching.

Nothing really new going on here. I’m sick again but like I said, that’s nothing new. Flo’s wedding is coming up and I’m so stoked!! León is doing great and is very happy.

^^ Before, looking like a Chinese Emperor

^^ After, looking like a goof

Also, I never got to share the fact that IT SNOWED about a month ago... that's not supposed to happen...

Laughable Moments:

  • On the Quaker Oats commercials, they pronounce it as quack-er like a duck

  • Sometimes my students ask me “Miss how do I say …” and I translate and ask them to repeat me. Sometimes it takes me a second so I say “I had um... a rash” so the student repeats “I had um a rash”

  • We are currently writing informational books, so we have to choose topics we are “experts” in. I have on students writing about: apples, lamps and sand…

  • When I went to Redland and introduced myself as “Miss Kim” to a second grade class, a student raised his hand and asked if I was from Japan.

  • We had a student’s aunt come and present about China to our class and she told us “ they wear googles when it rains” googles instead of goggles.

  • The same aunt told my co-teacher “I really love Miss Kim’s English”, Dani said “ well she’s from The US…”

  • Felipe (the one who licks his desk) was jumping up and down so excited saying “Miss Kim lost weight and she got taller!!” The first one is true, not sure about the latter…

  • Our new student is from the US and she told me one day “My mom thinks you and Miss Dani look like Barbies”

^^ I get so happy when I'm on the bus and a stray dog gets on.

^^ Very common mistake. Los padres = parents, padre = father. So when they are translating in their heads, they often think mis padres = my fathers.

^^ "Dear father and dear mom, I want to say that I don't have games, me compran (can you buy me) games?" Instead of writing a nice note to his parents, he saw an opportunity.

^^ Why we only take the glitter out once a year...

^^ Trying to make it better...

All for now. Please send me some good vibes to get through this intense month.

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