Hey y’all!
We’re slowly returning back to normal after the terrible rain and flooding. We didn’t have school on Monday, so we had a 5-day weekend due to the incidents on Thursday and Friday. By Monday I was ready to go back, I was getting quite bored holed up inside all day. After missing 3 days of school, us teachers have been playing catch up. We have a very complex plan we follow, so it has been stressful to try to keep up.

^^ I went to this really cool coffee shop called Original Green Roasters and it was some of the best coffee I've had in my life.

^^ Skateboarders must now surf until further notice
On Tuesday night I went out to dinner to celebrate Benja’s graduation! We went to a delicious Chinese restaurant. I’ll let you in on a secret; Chilean Chinese food is the same as American Chinese food. They ordered a bunch of plates and then we used the giant lazy-susan to pass the plates around –it was fun!

That night I received some sad new, our family dog Kaylee passed away. I knew it was coming because she was very old (almost 15!). I was sure to give her an extra kiss when I was home. Going back home without her there is definitely going to be weird.

By Thursday, I was losing my voice again –ugh new teacher problems. I lose my voice all the time and it’s awful. Luckily, I didn’t completely lose it this time. By Friday, I was wiped even though it was a short week.
On Friday, we had our class party. The kid’s have been working for it since the first day of school. We agreed (with some push from the teachers) to have a PJ party, use the ipads and watch a movie. The kids were SO excited to be in their PJ’s in school –it was the best day of their lives. They were all adorable in their jammies. Next we will work for Benja (the great magician) to come do magic for us!

Today I went to celebrate Fran’s birthday. Chilean’s love to celebrate. Birthdays, baby’s, good grades, crossing the street, eating lunch… :P (We're always celebrating something at work) It was a great time with great people.

^^Sally selfie
Laughable Moments:
My co-worker came up to me after recess, “Umm Kim, we have a problem…, _______ climbed up a tree in recess and now he refuses to come down.”
“And what do we put at the end of a sentence everybody?” “….a pyramid?” close enough.
My friend told me I seem to have lost weight (what an angel), “ do you feel more floppy in your clothes?” She meant do my clothes feel looser.
I was on the phone with the taxi service when someone called on the other line, I told her I was on the other line. She quickly said “Oh! I will hang you!” and hung up.
My co-worker told me that they go through many spoons because her 5 year old daughter likes to eat her yogurt at school and then use the spoon as a shovel in the sandbox at recess.
At Starbucks, I told the man my name was Kimberly (Kim is hard for Chileans to understand). “ Like the pink Power Ranger!” I said I like that better than Kim Kardashian…

^^ These signs make no sense....

^^ [in the floods]

^^We're starting an author's study where we read Mo Willems books. I drew the characters from the story and the kids were FLOORED that they looked identical. They could NOT BELIEVE Miss Kim can draw Mo Willems characters. I felt like a celebrity.

^^ Nailed it.

^^I'm a huge fan of the drawing

^^ My co-worker's daughter made a model of her brain....

^^I absolutely love this.

Birthday shoutouts are in order for my two wonderful Chilean friends Fran and Benja!!! Felicidades!! Have a good week everybody!